Kink Popularity: Biting 🫦

Biting as a form of erotic play involves partners consenting to incorporate the use of teeth to apply varying degrees of pressure on the body, offering a mix of pleasure and pain that can be highly arousing for those who are comfortable and interested in exploring this kink.
People are talking about this Kink on:

Bite my partner

12.0% said No, 26.8% said Maybe, and 61.2% said Yes!
♂ Male
No 15%
Maybe 33%
Yes! 53%
♀ Female

This question is most popular with.. Lesbian women!

Popularity (measured by "Yes" votes):
  • Straight men: 53.5%
  • Straight women: 67.5%
  • Gay men: 44.8%
  • Lesbian women: 76.5%
  • Bisexual men: 51.3%
  • Bisexual women: 73.2%
  • Non-binary individuals who are into men: 0.0%
  • Non-binary individuals who are into women: 0.0%
  • Non-binary individuals who are into both men and women: 0.0%
  • (last computed at Jan. 6, 2025, 7:11 p.m.)

    Have my partner bite me

    12.3% said No, 25.9% said Maybe, and 61.8% said Yes!
    ♂ Male
    No 14%
    Maybe 30%
    Yes! 55%
    ♀ Female

    This question is most popular with.. Bisexual women!

    Popularity (measured by "Yes" votes):
  • Straight men: 55.7%
  • Straight women: 65.1%
  • Gay men: 52.4%
  • Lesbian women: 76.2%
  • Bisexual men: 55.2%
  • Bisexual women: 76.8%
  • Non-binary individuals who are into men: 0.0%
  • Non-binary individuals who are into women: 0.0%
  • Non-binary individuals who are into both men and women: 0.0%
  • (last computed at Jan. 6, 2025, 7:11 p.m.)